Our library


Automotive Diagnostics and Oscilloscopes

BOSA oscilloscopes hardware description

StudioBOSA diagnostic software

What is an oscilloscope?

Oscilloscope, scan tool or code reader

Sampling algorithms in BOSA oscilloscopes

Using Sparkscope mode for ignition patterns observation

USB, LAN, Wi-Fi or handheld oscilloscope?

Magnetometers and Geomagnetic Activity

Using StudioMG software for regular geomagnetic observations (soon...)

Anisotropic magnetoresistance (AMR) in modern magnetometry (soon...)

What is a magnetic field? (soon...)

Geomagnetic field – the divine shield of our planet (soon...)

Planetary networks of geomagnetic observatories (soon...)

Installation "in situ" of geophysical magnetometer (soon...)

Calibrating geophysical vector magnetometer. Theoretical model (soon...)

Calibrating geophysical vector magnetometer. Practical results (soon...)

A new portable 3D magnetometer

Coil systems used in magnetometer calibration

Space Weather monitoring using AMR magnetometer

Stochastic Phenomena and Random Generators

StudioGTR software for random numbers generation

What is a random number generator?

Avalanche noise as a quantum source of entropy

Why are random numbers so important? (soon...)

Monte Carlo simulations. A brief explanation (soon...)

Statistical testing of random generators

Flicker noise: more than a century of an unrevealed mystery (soon...)

FLEA – innovative sensor systems for a flicker noise study (soon...)

White noise, pink noise, brown noise, or random walk. What is this? (soon...)

Random numbers and divination. Short thoughts (soon...)

Scientific Research and Experiments

Software application for diffraction patterns visualization

Method for calibration of SATI instruments

Wavelet analysis of data series

Grinding and testing of telescope mirrors – part 1

Grinding and testing of telescope mirrors – part 2

Grinding and testing of telescope mirrors – part 3

Grinding and testing of telescope mirrors – part 4

Experiments of first order using photodiodes

Stellar aberration and detection of absolute motion

The Dynamoplanetar of Rasho Tilchev

About Fresnel's hypothesis of aether drag (soon...)

An experiment of second order for detecting the absolute motion (soon...)