Quantum Random Generators

We offer one of the best random number generators. An ultimate unpredictability, relying on the laws of quantum physics!

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Short info

GTR-01 is a hardware system generating true random numbers. The innovative multiplatform design, convenient USB interface, the high data rate of up to 2.2 Mb/s and the compact size of GTR-01, make it the right choice for many applications related to cryptography and network security, scientific research, computer simulations, modeling, lotteries, gambling, applied mathematics and statistics, etc. In many of the above areas, it is important to use a hardware source of random numbers based on a physical phenomenon, unlike the computer-generated pseudorandom numbers using a known and predictable numerical algorithm.

GTR-01 quantum random generator – photo 1. GTR-01 quantum random generator – photo 2. GTR-01 quantum random generator – photo 3. GTR-01 quantum random generator – photo 4. GTR-01 quantum random generator – photo 5. GTR-01 quantum random generator – photo 6.

Basic features

Quantum phenomenon as a source of entropy

GTR-01 uses avalanche noise in the reverse-biased p-n junction as a primary entropy source.

Two completely independent analog channels with software XOR function

Two independent entropy sources and built-in XOR-ing for maximum output quality.

12-bit precise calibration with EEPROM values storage

Built-in precise calibration procedure ensuring 12-bit accuracy for every of the two entropy channels. Calibration coefficients are stored in the electrically independent EEPROM memory.

High data output rate through a standard USB interface

GTR-01 has a max output data rate of 2.2 Mb/s. The convenience of the USB interface makes the connection with the computer easy and secure.

Multiplatform design including Windows, Linux, Mac OS and Android

GTR-01 quantum random generator is designed to be used on different software platforms and operating systems. Software API ensures easy connection in any application environment.

Programming API including GUI application, examples and low-level drivers

StudioGTR™ .NET GUI software application for monitoring, testing, and calibrating of the GTR-01 quantum generator. Intuitive interface and easy operation. Low-level code examples are written in C#.

Statistically validated output data stream quality

The randomness and unpredictability of the output binary data stream are statistically tested and validated using NIST STS, TestU01 and Diehard.

Compact and robust design

The hardware is built into a compact and robust aluminum shielded enclosure.

What it is used for?

Random generators in cryptography.

Cryptography and security

GTR-01 generates true random numbers. It is a hardware system based on a physical quantum process used as a source of entropy. Thus, the inherent unpredictability of the output data stream ensures a high degree of security in the generation of cryptographic keys or PINs used in network communications. The binary data sequences are reliable and of the highest quality. Unlike the so-called pseudorandom numbers obtained by a strict mathematical algorithm, cryptographic keys and PINs generated by GTR-01 cannot be predicted by an outside malicious third party and have the highest degree of security.

Random generators in gambling.

Lotteries and gambling

GTR-01 is a reliable and secure random number generator and can be used in the gambling industry, bingo games, casinos, TV shows, online games and lottery. Also, it can be embedded as a hardware source of entropy in slot machines and other gambling equipment. GTR-01 is the best choice for generating the lucky numbers used by the individual players to participate in the lottery games.

Random generators in science.

Scientific research and computer simulations

The use of random numbers in modern research is immense! Without a secure source of randomness, it is not possible to even imagine how authentic results can be achieved in any field of science. From the fundamental physics, nuclear and particle interactions, space research, computer modeling and Monte Carlo simulations, statistical analysis, mathematical algorithms, engineering and industry, computer games, virtual reality and special effects in cinema, to chemical and biological modeling, testing of new drugs and vaccines used in medicine, social and political sciences, modeling of populations and human society, research in sociology, psychology, brain activity and human behavior, and even studies in the occultism, divination, paranormal phenomena and much more. Random numbers are everywhere! The use of a secure, hardware random number generator in all these fields of science is vital. GTR-01 is one of the best quantum generators on the market and is the ultimate choice as a source of randomness used in scientific research.

Tech info

Technical specifications

Entropy source Avalanche noise, reverse-biased p-n junction
Number of independent channels 2
Max bit rate 2.2 Mb/s
Operating temperature range 0 ÷ 50 °C
Platform Windows, Linux, Mac OS, Android
Dimensions 74 x 41 x 15 mm
Weight 50 g

System requirements

Operating system Windows XP*, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10; 32-bit / 64-bit
CPU 1 GHz or better; 32-bit / 64-bit
RAM 1 GB or more
Screen resolution 1024 x 768 or higher
Hard disk free space 50 MB or more
USB 2.0, 3.0 or 3.1; single port
Adobe Acrobat Reader Version 9.0 or higher

*Windows XP requires .NET Framework 2.0 or higher to be installed.

In the set

GTR-01 hardware unit 1 pc.
USB cable 1 pc.


Here you can download the latest version of the StudioGTR software and GTR-01 quantum generator's drivers. StudioGTR is an easy maintenance application and virtually does not need to be installed at all. Just unpack the studiogtr.zip file somewhere on your system, for example, in the C:\Program Files\StudioGTR and put a shortcut to the application’s .exe file on your Desktop or Start menu. More information about the software and drivers installation you can find in the User manual.

NOTE: Do not change the structure and content of the unpacked zip archive.

NOTE: The driver package contains two folders. The first one is labeled (XP, Vista) and is for older versions of Windows XP and Vista. The other one, labeled (7, 8, 8.1, 10), contains drivers for newer versions of Windows 7, 8, 8.1, and Windows 10. Additionally, on Windows XP, the Framework .NET 2.0 or later should be installed to get StudioGTR working.

NOTE: The StudioGTR zip archive contains an executable file. Some antivirus software may restrict it from the download. Please, check the settings of your antivirus program.

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