The Dynamoplanetar of Rasho Tilchev
Sci report | July 29, 2022
In the present work, we want to talk briefly about an idea born nearly a century ago. Its author is the physics teacher Rasho Tilchev. This idea concerns an original device he theoretically developed, called a dynamoplanetar
, for extracting free energy using the rotation of the Earth. Here, we will try to analyze the device principle proposed by Tilchev from the scientific point of view without neglecting the beauty of the idea itself.
Who is Rasho Tilchev?
Rasho Tilchev Maleshkov (1878-1963) was a Bulgarian teacher of physics and mathematics. He was also an inventor noted in the Golden Book of Bulgarian Inventors [2]. Tilchev was born in the town of Maglizh in 1878 – the year of the Bulgarian Liberation from Ottoman rule. In 1905, he graduated from the Pedagogical School in Kazanlak and later worked as a teacher of physics and mathematics in his native Maglizh and the town of Stara Zagora. Rasho Tilchev has many inventions and patents, including the foot-spinning machine, the thermal machine, the pocket typewriter, etc. In 1927, he participated in an international competition in the USSR proposing a new modification of a steam locomotive, where he was ranked sixth among twenty-six participants. Together with his son Tihomir Tilchev, a physics teacher, they have many inventions in the field of military technology, aircraft engines, rockets, and ammunitions. Their names are associated with some critical moments surrounding the development and improvement of the Soviet Katyusha

Rasho and Tihomir Tilchev are people with social-democratic beliefs. They maintained close relations with the Soviet Union and personally with Stalin, as evidenced by the numerous written archive documents and rich correspondence [2]. Their cooperation continued actively during the Second World War, providing many of their military developments to Bolshevik Russia, which was on the opposing side of the Kingdom of Bulgaria in the war. After the occupation of Bulgaria by the Allies at the end of the war and the subsequent communization, Rasho Tilchev held leadership positions in the local structures of the new government, receiving additional benefits and privileges. Here we do not want to go beyond the scope of the present work and become moral judges regarding Tilchev's political activity. The facts speak for themselves. Let everyone draw their conclusions. We are interested in the technical and scientific side of one of Rasho Tilchev's inventions.
The Dynamoplanetar
The theoretical description of the dynamoplanetar says that it is a massive steel wheel or disk with a diameter of several tens of meters and a mass of tens to hundreds of tons. This wheel rotates with the planet's rotation and is installed on the Earth's surface in the direction of the parallel circle - from west to east
. In other words, relative to the direction of the Earth's rotation so that the wheel's plane is parallel with the plane of the Equator for the maximum effect to be achieved. According to Rasho Tilchev, the idea of the dynamoplanetar follows from the Law for the Rotation of Celestial Bodies formulated by him. Here, he tries to find the relationship between the physical and orbital parameters of the planets and the periods of their axial rotation. We must point out that in modern physics, such a relationship does not exist and does not follow either Kepler's laws, Newton's laws, or the principles of celestial mechanics.

This is how Tilchev himself explains the device operation:
In this motion, all particles of the dynamoplanetar above its axis move with greater linear velocities than the particles of the dynamoplanetar below the axis. These different velocities of the dynamoplanetar particles also give different living forces. The combined living force of the particles above the dynamoplanetar axis is greater than the combined living force of the particles below the dynamoplanetar axis because they move with the earth's rotation in larger circles, hence with larger linear velocities. The difference between these living forces rotates the dynamoplanetar around its axis in a direction to the earth's rotational motion.

Here is the problem. Different velocities cannot be the cause of the forces. Velocity аs a physical quantity is an attribute of motion, a property by which we characterize the motion itself. Bodies are in motion because of the forces acting on them. As a consequence of this action, the motion occurs. Newton's second law postulates this. The velocity is the way in which the motion manifests itself, not its cause. Saying otherwise is absolutely wrong. Thus, in order for a body to rotate around its axis, there must be at least one external force acting on it and forcing it so that the rotation happens. Let's take, for example, the principle on which any electric motor works. The rotor rotates because of the electromagnetic forces acting on it from the side of the stator. This fact is demonstrated in school physics courses by means of a rectangular frame placed in a magnetic field through which an electric current flows. As a result, a pair of forces arise that causes the current frame to rotate about its axis.
In order not to be verbose, let us consider a closed circular loop located on the surface of the Earth as the dynamoplanetar itself. Let's calculate the total force acting on this loop as the planet rotates. Let us first consider an elementary cylindrical volume of mass dm on the contour. The setup is shown in the figure below.

Here, point C is the center of the Earth, point O is the center of the contour, r is its radius, and Re = |OC| is the Earth's radius. R = |CD| = (Re + y) / cos(δ) is the distance from the center of the Earth to the elementary volume, dφ is the angle at which the elementary volume is seen from the center of the contour, and ωe is the Earth's angular velocity. From the drawing it is clearly seen that a force dFτ = dFc⋅cos(φ + δ) acts on dm, where dFc = ωe2⋅R⋅dm is the centrifugal force at point D as a consequence of the diurnal rotation of the planet. Using the relationships x = r⋅cos(φ), y = r⋅sin(φ), tan(δ) = x / (Re + y) = r⋅cos(φ) / (Re + r⋅sin(φ)), we get:
dFτ = ωe2 ⋅ cos(φ + δ) ⋅ (Re + r⋅sin(φ)) / cos(δ) ⋅ dm
After simplification, we obtain:
dFτ = ωe2 ⋅ Re ⋅ cos(φ) ⋅ dm
Given that dm = ρ⋅S⋅dl = ρ⋅S⋅r⋅dφ, where ρ is the density of the material constituting the elementary volume, and that the moment of force is dN = r⋅dFτ, then:
dN = ρ ⋅ ωe2 ⋅ r2 ⋅ Re ⋅ S ⋅ cos(φ) ⋅ dφ
After the integration over the entire contour, for the total torque, we finally get:
N = ρ ⋅ ωe2 ⋅ r2 ⋅ Re ⋅ S ⋅ ∫02π cos(φ) dφ = 0
The above calculations can be simplified if we consider that the angle δ is very small and ignore it, but the final result remains the same. In the case of a solid disk, it is easy to see that the result will be the same if we imagine the disk as composed of many concentric loops and integrate over r.
So, we derived that, as a consequence of the diurnal rotation of the planet around its axis, torque will not arise, and the dynamoplanetar will not rotate. And this is expected. Anyone can prove that by doing an experiment, standing on the periphery of a uniformly rotating carousel in the park, holding a small disk or wheel so it can spin freely in a horizontal plane. No matter how fast the carousel rotates, the disc will always remain stationary relative to you. The opposite would be too good to be true. Just imagine, if the dynamoplanetar were possible, every Ferris wheel in the world would be a source of free energy. If this was so, could it have been unnoticed by humanity for so many centuries? Hardly.
Rasho Tilchev's dynamoplanetar is not possible, indeed. That follows the laws of physics. Regardless of the size, mass, or material of the dynamoplanetar, the desired rotating effect will not occur. However, we must respect the original searches and innovative spirit of Tilchev, father and son. Although impossible, the idea of the dynamoplanetar is original and beautiful. It provokes the imagination and makes us dream. What could be better than that!
We must also note the research work of the famous journalist and writer Donka Yotova. Without her efforts and sincere patriotic feelings, the life and work of Rasho and Tihomir Tilchev would have remained unknown to the Bulgarian public.
- Bartsch H.
Mathematische formeln
, VEB Rachbuchverlag, Leipzig, 1984. - Йотова Д.
Шест атома злато
, Алфа Визия, Стара Загора, 2016.