Company overview
Benev Science & Technology Ltd. is a fast-growing technology company situated in Bulgaria and working in the branch of research and engineering innovations. The company is founded in 2017.
As professionals, we have been designing and developing precise measurement equipment since 1997. Our primary interest always has been in practical experimental works but not in boring theories and equations. We have gained experience through the years in the design and development of scientific and engineering instruments. Among the dozens of projects accomplished during all these years, we decided to pick some that seem to have further market potential and allow them to exist beyond the boundaries of strictly scientific applications.
The company’s core business is the development of high-quality measuring equipment with the idea to meet even the most specific operational requirements. We specialize in the design of automotive diagnostic electronic tools. We offer affordable and innovative digital instruments for professional vehicle diagnostics and service maintenance. Our new series of advanced automotive oscilloscopes is one of the best intelligent solutions existing on the market today. We are glad to present the world's first anisotropic magnetoresistive vector magnetometer, designed to be used in modern geomagnetic ground observations and satellite missions. Our new generation of quantum random number generators offers an ultimate quality of produced random data. The randomness and unpredictability of the output binary stream are proved using statistical test batteries. On the library page, you can read more about other projects and scientific work we do.
The mission
The company's mission is to use our knowledge and competence in modern technology to study nature, advance the industry and make the digital world better!
History brief

Astronomical Optics
1997 – 2002
Developing methods and technological know-how for manufacturing and testing aspherical mirrors for telescopes. Currently, this activity is discontinued. Read more about the history of telescope making, the grinding, polishing and figuring the mirrors. See the optical test methods we have developed for aspherical surfaces. Use our online Ronchi gratings calculator to compute null-test gratings for telescope mirrors. You can also check out our software for diffraction patterns calculation.

2003 – 2006
Spectral Airglow Temperature Imager (SATI) Instrument. Developed in collaboration with the Centre for Research in Earth and Space Science (CRESS), York University in Toronto, Canada, and Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. This instrument is used to study the dynamics and internal gravity waves propagation in the upper atmosphere of the Earth. You can read more about the calibration of SATI instruments in our library.

SATI Program
2004 – 2006
Development of modern Windows based GUI software for SATI Instrument operational control and scientific data processing using C# and .NET Framework.

Wavelet Analysis
2006 – 2007
Development of Wavelet analysis algorithms and software used to study the physical processes in the upper atmosphere region. More about wavelets.

AutoScope "Mini"
Our first single channel USB automotive diagnostic oscilloscope. Max sampling rate was 200 kS/s with 8-bit resolution.

AutoScope "Plus"
First two-channel USB automotive diagnostic oscilloscope.

Stepper Motor Tester
With smart microprocessor control, this tester was designed specially for the purposes of automotive diagnostics.

AutoScope "Easy"
An improvement of AutoScope "Mini" oscilloscope, implementing hardware pretrigger function.

2010 – 2011
The next generation of two-channel USB automotive oscilloscope, implementing 32-bit ARM MCU, a 100% hardware pretrigger and, for the first time, a complete set of hardware engine ignition test modes.

Our first smart digital simulator of the car sensors signals used in diagnostics of modern vehicles.

FN Sensor
First multichannel hardware random noise generator and data logger. The instrument is intended to be used in long-term noise observations with emphasizing on low-frequency flicker noise. FN Sensor was developed for research purposes only.

Our first anisotropic magnetoresistive (AMR) USB vector magnetometer based on the Honeywell’s HMC5883L sensor. The magnetometer was built for test purposes only. Read more about µMeter.

Waveform Generator
10 MHz Direct Digital Synthesis (DDS) two-channel smart arbitrary waveform generator with fully isolated USB interface. The instrument was intended to be used in automotive diagnostics and was built for development purposes only.

An improved version of µMeter magnetometer used in Earth’s magnetic field monitoring and recording. The instrument is a complete autonomous recording system with multichannel AMR sensors, USB control, independent battery-powered RTC, and SD memory card data storage. It was developed as an initial version, with the idea of its further improvement.

FLEA-02, FLEA-04
Two-channel and four-channel random flicker noise USB generators with microprocessor control and internal temperature stabilization of the sensors. These devices were built for research purposes only.

An improved version of the µMeter and µMeter2 magnetometers, using automatic internal temperature stabilization control and PC-based data storage. During 2015 – 2018 the instrument was installed in a magnetically clean remote place and was continuously recording variations in the geomagnetic field. Read more about use of MAGER magnetometer in Space Weather monitoring.
Please, visit our library page to find out more interesting information about many of our research projects, experimenting and scientific publications. Also, you can read the specialized technical pages with the description of the hardware and software we offer.